But then I realized that the AI could not handle the scenario nearly effective enough, and I didn't have enough time left in the contest to do my own AI script. Everything was as historically accurate as is possible in RoN. I spent many days just setting up the scenario based on historical records and maps.

This scenario originally began in hopes that it could be entered into the RoN Heaven "Napoleonic Era Scenario Design Contest" of Feb. See the included readme for more information on that mod.
The mod is included as a separate plugin, so the user can decide whether they want to use it or not. In version 1.1, a vastly updated version of mrflippy's Lightning Strikes mod was included because it is now much prettier with this lightning mod.

I made the bolt about eight times longer, though. The bolt effect is based off of Vortex's Shock Animation Change mod, which has a single blue-ish bolt. Since the shock damage spells still looked like sneezes, albeit fast sneezes, I also spent some time modifying the visual effects.
This was preferable to lowering the damage of all ranged shock damage spells in the game, which wouldn't affect other mods with shock spells anyways. To balance that fact out, I made all shock damage spells cost 20% more magicka. This obviously means that you won't be able to dodge the shock damage bolts. So it's not quite lightning speed, but if it was set any higher, you wouldn't see the bolt at all. This mod makes the lightning projectile about six times faster, meaning it can go about 100m in a second. I made this mod because I thought it sucked that the shock spells looked more like a sneeze than a lightning bolt. This makes ranged shock damage spells travel at lightning speed.